2023-2024 Academic Challenge Bowl
Rochester League 7
Final Standings
Name Wins Losses Points
Geneva # + 7 1 1380
Lyons #
Clyde-Savannah 2

Key:  + = clinched league title;  # = clinched playoff spot
(Click 'HERE' to download pdf file of complete player statistics)

Rotation 1 ----------------------------------------
@ Sodus---Wed---12/6---3:30
Lyons 80, Clyde-Savannah 70
Lyons 90, Clyde-Savannah 20

Rotation 2 ----------------------------------------
@ Lyons---Wed---1/17---3:30
Geneva 100, Lyons 20
Geneva 105, Clyde-Savannah 60
Clyde-Savannah 160, Lyons 40

Rotation 3 ----------------------------------------
@ Clyde-Savannah—Wed—3/13—3:30
Lyons 85, Clyde-Savannah 60
Geneva 160, Lyons 70
Clyde-Savannah 105, Geneva 100

Rotation 4 ----------------------------------------
@ Geneva---Wed---4/10---3:30
Geneva 230, Lyons 60
Geneva 260, Clyde-Savannah 20
Geneva 200, Lyons 80
Geneva 225, Clyde-Savannah 125